As Energy Neither can be created nor destroyed,the status quo equlibrium remains constant.Changes are inevitable,change is always constant.
Even if energy isn't created or destroyed, some forms of energy are more useful than others. Electricity, light, and chemical potentials can all be harnessed to do work, whereas heat is largely useless. Every time you use energy to do something, some of that energy is converted from whatever form it was in to begin with into disordered thermal energy. The second law of thermodynamics tells us that disorder always increases, so there is usually no way to turn disordered heat back into orderly, useful energy. Strictly speaking, people are more worried about running out of orderly energy than running out of energy in general.Also, a quick comment about the "energy is neither created nor destroyed" thing: according to general relativity, energy CAN be created by converting mass to energy (E=mc^2). This is what happens in a nuclear reactor. The actual rule is that the total amount of mass and energy in the universe cannot be increased or decreased, but mass can become energy or vice-versa
You can't use the energy of a lower system to power a higher one. So, for example, once you've eaten your food (a higher system) you can't absorb the same energy you've dissipated into the surroundings as heat (a lower system) to fuel your body again.
As energy flows from higher end to low end, money also flows form people who are in big league to small league.
Hey, good one. The theory in practice is what we see today.